Skip to content > Film Studies BA (Hons) > Year 3 > Dissertation > An examination of superiority theory and power relations within the British sitcom Blackadder.

An examination of superiority theory and power relations within the British sitcom Blackadder.

My final year dissertation, the culmination of my journey through university. The idea to discuss class arose in year 2 whilst writing about how social class was depicted in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, and during a pizza evening with a couple of friends we discussed how it could be applied to Blackadder. Over the summer (between Year 2 and 3) it was always near the front of my mind and after discussing it with Dr Emma Austin and Dr Van Norris, I formed an initial angle of attack and went for it. Dr Austin was my dissertation supervisor and enabled me to build my academic skills in a way I hadn’t previously. I’m thrilled with the outcome and may return to it at some point to break free of the word limit, which I was bouncing off for some time.

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